It has been a busy summer around here.... full of ups and downs. I still can't talk about the downs, but on the ups... we had a wonderful vacation this summer. We flew to Chicago and drove to Alpena, Michigan (a LONG drive, if you are wondering) to see my folks who bought a house (huge Victorian era thing) there this year. It was quite relaxing, though a bit cool. Alpena is on Lake Huron and it was cool enough that the lake didn't warm up enough for me to swim, but Ella gave it a try. We got to visit with my grandparents, my Aunt Kathy and my cousin Kristin and her family. It was nice.
On the way home, we stayed in Chicago for a couple of days. What a fun city. We spent a couple nights walking through the Art Institute (free nights!) and one day we spent checking out dinosaurs and a special pirate exhibit at the field museum. We also got a chance to see the HUGE American Girl store on the Magnificent Mile. Ella kept saying "Ok, I think I've made my decision...", and it was truly amazing that we got out of the store without buying one thing. Even more amazing was the fact that there was no pouting, crying or tantrum throwing from that seven year old! She's amazing.
The recent big news here is the addition of the ART SHED! We bought a Tough Shed for our empty garden space in the back yard to house all my scrapbooking, painting and encausic stuff. Ella quickly took over one corner of the shed for her space and she loves the idea of creating art pieces out there - she's so creative! So far, it's a big mess inside as i work on organizing and putting all my junk in there..... I can't believe I had so much stuff in one little closet in the house! Craig is happy too, because he has a space back for his computer in the den.

In other big news, my mother-in-law, Mary, got a new puppy! She has had cats ever since I have known her, but recently started making noise about getting a dog. A year or so ago she moved into Reno and there are several walking paths in her neighborhood - one goes right in front of her house and she has enjoyed watching all the people walk by with their dogs. I think she will have fun walking her new dog when in get bigger... So far, she is calling her Buttons.

Awesome! I want a shed like that!